Getting Familiar with the nrolly Dashboard:

1 min. readlast update: 08.04.2024

Getting Familiar with the nrolly Dashboard:

  1. The Dashboard is your starting point, Here we can see tons on analytics and subscription information.
  2. Analytics:
    1. This section contains subscription details and notifies you when you are over the limit.
    2. Hours Saved and Students section will let you know enrollment and student counts.
    3. Campaign section will take you to the campaigns page where you will get started enrolling students.


Enrollment Analytics:

  1. The Enrollment section of the dashboard will show you the last 8 enrollments.
  2. The students are seperated by age and name.


Subscription Benefits:

  1. The Subscription Benefits section will let you know the exact numbers you have used in relation with you subscription. 
    1. Campaign Count.
    2. Enrollment Count.
    3. School Count.
    4. Storage Size.


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